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Tips for reducing your energy costs at home

Man changing lightbulb

Energy bills can often be a little bit of a surprise, particularly as many of us are increasingly working from home.

Depending on your usage over the past month or quarter, the cost owing can often vary from bill to bill. There are a couple of quick and easy steps you can take to reduce that bill shock from your energy retailer.

Air-conditioning Units

Air-conditioners aim to make our houses more comfortable, but given how much energy they consume they can often put us in equal measures of pain. Be smart with the way you use your air-con as it may be the biggest impact on your energy bill.

  • Set your air-conditioned for 18-20 degrees during winter months – it’s still comfortable without overworking your AC
  • Only use the air-conditioning in rooms which you’re currently using
  • Minimise drafts as they can be a killer in winter for escaping heat, leading to increased energy consumption

The Kitchen

The kitchen can often be the hub of energy costs of the household, with multiple large appliances.

  • Check fridge and freezer seals to make sure they’re not letting the cool air escape
  • When making that coffee or tea, be sure to only boil the water you need, otherwise pop the excess in a thermos for your next cup
  • Only run the dishwasher whilst full to avoid extra loads
  • If you’ve switched the oven off, leave the door open to add some natural heating
  • For reheating, try to use the microwave instead of the oven

The Bedroom

We spend a decent proportion of our days in our bedrooms and it’s often where we wish to be most comfortable.

  • Leave the blinds open during the day to catch the natural warmth before closing them in the evening
  • Hot water bottles in the bed are a much cheaper alternative than heating
  • Layer up your clothes instead of increasing the air-con


It’s not uncommon these days to trip over a charging cable. We have more portable and household electronics than ever before, so it’s vital to have technology working for you, not against you, when it comes to electricity consumption.

  • Connect electronics to a power-board and switch off whilst not in use to avoid vampire energy consumption
  • Smart lights can allow you to control and put timers on your household lights so you can ensure they’re off when the room is empty

Energy Efficient Appliances

Finally, whether you’re purchasing a TV, dishwasher, dryer or fridge, it’s advisable to be aware of the energy efficiency of the appliance. Most appliances in Australia are stickered with their efficiency rating and is a valuable consideration – particularly with those appliances which remain on such as fridges and freezers.

Disclaimer: The ideas, discussions, options and details expressed in SCCU Blogs are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific personal advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. We intended only to provide education about the financial and banking industry to make the complex simple, and help everyday customers realise their dreams.

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